Wall Street enjoys Apple’s uninspired profits – Video

Wall Street loves Apple's lackluster earnings - Video

Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion

Let’s discuss the Apple.
The business published its financial 2nd quarter results the other day, which in fact much better than anticipated, right?
Most individuals anticipated the iPhone sales to tank.
They did.
They did do quite terribly.
But looks like Apple stock is up.
Apple stock is up since this is how Wall Street works, is that it’s all an expectations video game.
So, And if you listen to the call, this is among those truth distortion field kinds of things where Apple made it appear like whatever is going fantastic, best?
Even though income is down, revenues are down, iPhone sales were down.
But there are particular locations of the business that are revealing truly strong indications of development best particularly wearables.
Their services company.
So there are apparent indications [CROSS-TALK]
Wearables clearly they simply revealed an upgrade to their airpads, right.
I’m sure that assisted a lot.
They stated that those sales are going gangbusters.
It’s a cultural phenomenon.
And I believe it’s best Tim Cook [UKNOWN]
He called the airpads a cultural phenomenon.
Yes yes.
All right.
That’s something.
It’s Apple
[CROSS_TALK] Yeah, that was because of the Ipad Pro sales.
That’s still unexpected to me.
I imply the Ipads have actually been simple to discard on for a while.
So, fine, these are all excellent points, nevertheless, I price quote an e-marketer expert in my story, let’s state.
All of these companies, they depend on iPhone sale so if the iPhone sales are down then those other companies might be they’re gonna succeed for a short-term however eventually there’s a little a problem there.
Interesting that’s a report on the line
It might In reality wind up affecting those companies yeah
Alright, for more of these stories examine us out on CNN.
I’m Roger Chang
And I’m Fox Rueben
Thanks for listening