How to Get Alexander Skarsg ård’s Northman Viking Body

How to Get Alexander Skarsgård's Northman Viking Body

Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion


Alexander went through 3 diet plans throughout his improvement: the build-up stage, the cutting cycle and the upkeep cycle, according toMagnus “The accumulation stage [is] when you wish to construct as much muscle mass as possible and do not care about the fat. That’s when you overindulge calories a bit,” he described. “Then, you have a cutting cycle when you eat, you’re in a calorie deficit. That’s when you want to maintain all that muscle mass and lose some body fat.”

As for the upkeep cycle, which Alexander was on while shooting, “that’s when you really want to dial it in and make sure that you keep that low body fat and high muscle mass and the foods are more or less the same,” Magnus stated.

Although there are more food limitations within the last 2 cycles, consisting of no quick carbohydrates or sugars, Magnus kept in mind that Alexander did indulge every so often.

“There’s also room there to enjoy life a little bit,” stated Magnus, whose preferred foods consist of smoked salmon and avocado. “We took the weekends off and had a glass of wine and cooked dinner.”