Western Chimpanzees – a Critically Endangered Species – Share Overlapping Territories With Humans

Chimpanzee Behind House

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Camera trap picture of a chimpanzee feeding on orange fruit behind somebody’s home in Caiquene town. Credit: E Bersacola and Kim Hockings / Cantanhez Chimpanzee Project

Chimpanzees and people “overlap” in their usage of forests and even towns, brand-new research study programs.

Scientists utilized video camera traps to track the motions of western chimpanzees — a seriously threatened types — in Guinea-Bissau.

Chimpanzees utilized locations far from towns and farming more intensively, however got in land utilized by people to get fruit — particularly when wild fruits were limited.

Researchers from the University of Exeter and Oxford Brookes University state the method utilized in this research study might assist to notify a “coexistence strategy” for chimpanzees and people.

“Understanding how wildlife balance the risks and rewards of entering environments used by humans is crucial to developing strategies to reduce risks of negative interactions, including disease transmission and aggression by animals or humans,” stated lead author Dr. Elena Bersacola, of the Centre for Ecology and Conservation on Exeter’s Penryn Campus in Cornwall.

“Using 12 months of data from 21 camera traps, our study produced hotspot maps that show how humans and chimpanzees overlap in their use of forests, villages and cultivated areas.”

Adult Male Chimpanzee Crossing Road

An adult male chimpanzee crossing a roadway. Credit: Kimberley Hockings

Chimpanzee usage of area was connected to the accessibility of naturalized oil-palm fruit, and the research study likewise reveals that chimpanzees gain access to high-risk orange, lime, and papaya fruits in action to dietary requirement instead of choice alone.

The research study utilized a “landscape of fear” structure, based upon the concept that animals learn more about dangers and the resulting worry shapes their choices over where and when to feed, take a trip, and rest.

Researchers are progressively integrating people as representatives for forming the wildlife’s landscapes of worry.

The group in this research study bewared not to let the chimpanzees end up being “habituated” (utilized to people, and for that reason not afraid).

“Elena got around this problem by setting up a patchwork of camera traps throughout one chimpanzee community’s home range and monitoring their use of space,” stated Dr. Kimberley Hockings, of the University of Exeter.

“The techniques and analyses Elena utilized are brand-new and interesting and have actually assisted us comprehend human-chimpanzee coexistence throughout the landscape.

“This is necessary since western chimpanzees are seriously threatened and these shared landscapes are important for their perseverance.

“These methods can also be applied to other threatened wildlife that are being pushed into ever-increasing human-impacted landscapes across the globe.”

Professor Catherine Hill, of Oxford Brookes University, stated: “Our modeling method creates fine-resolution space-time output maps, which can be scaled-up to determine human-wildlife interaction hotspots.

“Our method provides the necessary tools to understand and more effectively manage human-wildlife coexistence at different spatial scales, including the management of resources important to both.”

Reference: “Chimpanzees balance resources and risk in an anthropogenic landscape of fear” by Elena Bersacola, Catherine M. Hill and Kimberley J. Hockings, 25 February 2021, Scientific Reports.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-83852-3