CEO discovered to accept her past to make her future

CEO learned to embrace her past to make her future

Revealed: The Secrets our Clients Used to Earn $3 Billion

The course to success is hardly ever an uncomplicated one, which has actually definitely held true for Precious Williams.

The creator and CEO of Perfect Pitches by Precious, Williams’ journey began earlier than many.

“I grew up in the inner city of St. Louis, Missouri. And I was told from a very young age that I would never make it out of the ‘hood,” Precious Williams informed CNBC’s MakeIt “As a Black woman, I was told, too fat, too Black, no Ivy League degree, there’s no way that I could have a career in media or working with the biggest companies in the world.”

But Williams was identified to discover success, no matter what.

“I spent a large part of my life being ashamed of not being wanted by my parents, feeling lost in my family and feeling like the black sheep because I wanted success that I had never seen in my community, in my life, or anyone around me in St. Louis, Missouri,” Willams admitted. “And I went through school, full scholarships to college, law school; did everything supposedly right and yet I still felt unfulfilled.”

Her very first business, Curvy Girlz Lingerie, took her on “Shark Tank.”

“People said it would never take off. My family and friends wouldn’t invest in me. So you know what I did? I created a pitch that was so good that he got me on national television. And when I pitched, I walked away with $500,000,” Williams discussed.

But her story does not end there. Unfortunately, Williams later on discovered herself homeless, however she declined to quit on her dreams.

“I went through a dark period in my life, where I was homeless and a severe alcoholic,” Willams stated. “Now I’ve been clean and sober almost six years, walked out of homelessness almost five years ago, restarted my company Perfect Pitches by Precious, became a world-class, master communicator, international professional speaker, four-time number one best-selling author of business books on pitching.”

Williams has actually discovered, too, that honestly sharing what some might think about an awkward story has actually assisted her on her course to success.

“When I opened up and became vulnerable, and shared how it really happened and not the social media story of perfection, it changed how people saw me,” she stated. “They saw me as someone that they wanted to work with, someone that they would pay handsomely to teach and train them how to bounce back from rock bottom multiple times.”

From this, Precious Williams discovered her 6 most significant lessons which she showed us. Watch the video above to get more information.