How Does AI Work? Researchers Reveal the Mechanism Underlying Successful Machine Learning

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Researchers from Bar-Ilan University have actually discovered how artificial intelligence effectively categorizes images, exposing that each filter in a deep knowing architecture acknowledges and fine-tunes the acknowledgment of image clusters through layers.

Current AI architectures can effectively carry out image category jobs, taking on human abilities. Yet what is the system that makes < period class ="glossaryLink" aria-describedby ="tt" data-cmtooltip ="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>machine learning</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the development of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning is used to identify patterns in data, classify data into different categories, or make predictions about future events. It can be categorized into three main types of learning: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.</div>" data-gt-translate-attributes="(** )" tabindex ="0" function ="link" > artificial intelligence so effective?

(************** )Image category is a complicated job that deep knowing architectures carry out effectively.Those deep architectures are typically consisted of numerous layers, with each layer including numerous filters.The typical understanding is that as the image advances through the layers more boosted functions, and functions of functions, of the image are exposed.Yet those functions and functions of functions are not measurable, and therefore how device finding out works stays a puzzle.

Ina short article just recently released in< period class ="glossaryLink" aria-describedby ="tt" data-cmtooltip ="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>Scientific Reports</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>Established in 2011, &lt;em&gt;Scientific Report&lt;/em&gt;s is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific mega journal published by Nature Portfolio, covering all areas of the natural sciences. In September 2016, it became the largest journal in the world by number of articles, overtaking &lt;em&gt;PLOS ON&lt;/em&gt;E.</div>" data-gt-translate-attributes="[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]" tabindex ="0" function ="link" >ScientificReports (********************* ), scientists from Bar-IlanUniversity expose the system underlying effective artificial intelligence, which allows it to carry out category jobs with definite success.“Each filter essentially recognizes a small cluster of images and as the layers progress the recognition is sharpened. We found a way to quantitatively measure the performance of a single filter,” statedProfIdoKanter, ofBar-Ilan’sDepartment ofPhysics andGonda(Goldschmied)MultidisciplinaryBrainResearchCenter, who led the research study.

A video explaining the research study.Credit:ProfIdoKanter,Bar-IlanUniversity

“This discovery can pave the path to better understanding how AI works,” stated PhD traineeYuvalMeir, among the crucial factors to the work, including,”This can enhance the latency, memory use, and intricacy of the architecture without minimizing general < period class ="glossaryLink" aria-describedby ="tt" data-cmtooltip ="<div class=glossaryItemTitle>accuracy</div><div class=glossaryItemBody>How close the measured value conforms to the correct value.</div>" data-gt-translate-attributes="(** )" tabindex ="0" function ="link" > precision“While AI has actually been at the leading edge of current technological development, understanding how such devices in fact work can break the ice for a lot more innovative AI.

Reference:“Towards a universal mechanism for successful deep learning” byYuvalMeir,YardenTzach,ShiriHodassman,OfekTevet andIdo(************************************************************************************************* )11March 2024, ScientificReports
DOI:10 1038/ s41598-024-56609- x